It’s Me!

Hello everyone!! Look, I’m blogging!

I’ve realized after many years of trial, error, and success I have some things to share with the world about photography! So, I’m starting a blog.

I will be blogging about specific sessions, photography tips, and just life things that come up!

This first blog I wanted to introduce myself. You can read about me on my about page, but in this post I’m gonna share the JUICY details 😝 (just kidding, I do nothing that one would label as “jucy” I just needed a hook)

The Origin Story

With that, Here’s how my photography journey started-

With a Kodak Easy Share camera that looked like this:

And these were some of my first photography attempts:

We obviously have come a long way…

My passion for photography started when I was 10 and was a hobby until about 2018 when I started to get more serious about learning how to take better photos. I began doing photoshoots just for fun with my friends, I got lightroom, and in 2019 I did my first ever session I was paid for!

Then, in 2022 I was able to go full time as a photographer!

Why Photography?

What drives my passion for photography is really just my love for art and being creative. Art class was always my favorite, ever since I was a little kid! I love to paint and draw, but I’m inclined more to the digital arts as I have a stigmatism in my eye that makes it hard for me to draw or paint free-handed.

When I would try to free-hand things I always ended up frustrated because I couldn’t make it as perfect as I wanted, but with mediums graphic design and photography I had more control.

Originally this is what drew me to photography, but I also love people. I think everyone has their own unique beauty and personality. It is my goal every session to bring out that raw, authentic beauty in each person and this mission keeps things exciting and interesting as no one person is exactly the same.

I also love freezing moments. There is something about taking a photo at just the exact right second that is so beautiful to me. Every moment is unique and no moment will be exactly the same as another. It’s this fragility of time that makes photography inspiring to me, especially event or lifestyle sessions.

Just Some Fun Facts :)

I thought I’d end this intro post with some fun fast facts (say that 3 times fast) about me!

> I am plant obsessed. I have 16 house plants and yes, they are all named. My oldest one is Vern the Fern.

> I have two pet guppies and they are my pride and joy- Joey and Ollie. Joey has Scoliosis, I didn’t know fish could get that but the more you know!

> I am married, and to the most wonderful human. My husband Aaron and I got married October 2022 and have been together since 2020. We live in a cute little two bedroom apartment where somehow we have figured out how to combine our decor styles of vintage glam and western (you embrace the eclectic). Aaron is an avid and skilled birder so I actually have dabbled in bird photography a little bit because of him!

> I looooove love love potatoes. Any form of potato- give it to me. My favorite form is obviously french fries, but I love hashbrowns and baked potatoes too. I am super picky about my hashbrowns, they have to be crispy but not burnt and the key to that is the amount of oil you use to fry them!

And that’s a little about me! Thank you for reading along, I can’t wait to get to know you too so please reach out and say hi via my contact page!

xxx Katie


Elk River Newborn Session